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File List | 1994-01-22 | 19.8 KB | 267 lines |
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- ║ 36 - BBS Doors ║
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- ADOPT49.ZIP BBS Door Promoting Adoption Of Fav. Door By Paying Reg..
- ANN36.ZIP The Announcement Door! v3.6. Display screen of your choice.
- ANS2AT10.ZIP ANS2AT v1.0: Translates ANSI to @-code.
- APICONS.ZIP Collection of RIP Icons.
- ASPCB308.ZIP Subscription Credit Card Door For PcBoard BBS Systems.
- AVB25.ZIP ANSI Voting Booth Door v2.5: for all BBS types.
- BATLDV25.ZIP Battleship Attack Door v5 For BBSs.
- BBS17C.ZIP v1.7c: PCB 15.1 [PPE] Unique "Older Style" BBS List Program.
- BBSDB20.ZIP BBS DATABASE DOOR v2.0: BBS door for listing other BBS's.
- BBSTP120.ZIP Online BBS Door: Troop Listing Door.
- BCOPY050.ZIP Copy file from RA FileBase the easy way.
- BDERBY25.ZIP Baby Derby v2.5 BBS users join fun/anticipation of new baby.
- BFE1410P.ZIP The World's Premier BBS Front End System.
- BK14_400.ZIP Book Review Door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- BLIST500.ZIP Interactive BBS List v5.0: Works With Most BBS Software.
- BLIST_1.ZIP Provide BBS Users With Search & Display Of US BBSs.
- BMBC_110.ZIP Online Merit Badge Counselor Listing door.
- BNU189G.ZIP BNU Fossil driver v189ß.
- BORG107.ZIP Newest Version Of Borg, A Good TW Add-on!
- BR14_300.ZIP BBS Review Door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- BSHOW121.ZIP BShow v1.21 RBBS Online file viewer.
- BTAG121.ZIP BragTag v1.21: BBS Tag Line displayer.
- BUSTX.ZIP Bustx v1.0: Separate ALLFILES.LST file.
- BUYADOOR.ZIP Buy-A-Door v.5ß: Encourages BBS users to adopt a door.
- BW300_RA.ZIP Blue Wave Offline Mail Door v3.00. RA v2.xx,.
- BW301MAX.ZIP Blue Wave Mail Door v3.01 for Maximus.
- BW301_RA.ZIP The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door v3.01 for Remote Access.
- CALLBACK.ZIP Call-back Verifier For GAP BBS SysOps.
- CALTQP10.ZIP CALIFORNIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB 15.0: Create numbers.
- CBOX24.ZIP ChatBox 2.4: PCB v15.0 split-screen sysop/caller chat door.
- CBOX25.ZIP ChatBox v2.5: SPLIT SCREEN Sysop/caller chat door.
- CDOOR12.ZIP CDOOR v1.20: Change DORINFO1.DEF information.
- CHAT10.ZIP Door for checking SysOp Chat Status (TAG).
- CITAS.ZIP FD Editor Utility To Add Famous Quotations To Your Mail.
- CLASFY30.ZIP Classified Ads Door For Online BBS Use With PCBoard.
- CLBKV212.ZIP CALLBK v2.12 callback verifier door for RBBS.
- CLDOOR41.ZIP CallDoor Best Door Converter for Wildcat.
- CLINTEGL.ZIP Replacement graphics screen for CLINT200.ZIP.
- CMSETUP.ZIP Latest version Of Cmsetup For Cam-Mail Door.
- COLTQP10.ZIP COLORADO LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB v15.0: Create numbers.
- CONV_14.ZIP Convince! Your users to register doors Door - v1.4
- COVR3_15.ZIP Solitaire Card Door Game For PCB/DOOR.SYS.
- CREDIT17.ZIP Creditcard PPE v1.7. Subscription pgm.
- CREDIT18.ZIP CreditCard PPE v1.8: Credit Card Subscription PPE.
- CS14_500.ZIP Community Service Door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- CSTL12B3.ZIP Calculates Phone Call Cost Using Info In The FrontDoor Log.
- CW_BF_10.ZIP BF-Ratio PCBoard PPE to adjust security levels.
- CW_FI_10.ZIP PPE Forces Users Into "PPE Command". Like PCB "Force Doors".
- CW_PPP10.ZIP PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v1.0 utilities.
- CW_SP_10.ZIP SubscriP v1.0! PCB 15.0 PPE. Upgrade subscribers instantly.
- CYBER13.ZIP CyberSpace Transporter: Door To Let Users Call Out.
- DATEREN.ZIP Dateren v1.00: rename files based on today's Date.
- DCAT16.ZIP Door-Cat! v1.6: With BBS & RIP support.
- DDMC100.ZIP MEGAnum Converter for RIPscrip designs.
- DDOOR410.ZIP Track Door Usage For RA.
- DISNTRV4.ZIP DESQview Aware, Online Disney Trivia IV For BBSs.
- DLINFO10.ZIP v1.0 PCBoard v15.0 PPE: Download prompt replacements.
- DLMST260.ZIP DLMASTER v2.60: The RBBS Download File List.
- DMANIA27.ZIP Dollarmania! Door v2.7: ultimate online slot machines!
- DMDTRV30.ZIP Diamond Trivia v3.0 Major Update: BBS baseball trivia door.
- DMM21.ZIP Door Menu Manager v2.1 Which BBS doors are/aren't used.
- DNLOAD22.ZIP Download Door v2.2: Fast Downloading of up to 9 files.
- DOOR2DEF.ZIP Door file converter of a BBS DOOR.SYS file to DORINFO1.DEF.
- DPMSG261.ZIP DUPMSG v2.61 Find/Delete dup. messages.
- DR14_300.ZIP BBS Door Review door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- DRMANN11.ZIP Announce! v1.1: Announcement Door For Most BBS Types. RIP!
- DRMCHT11.ZIP Dreamchat v1.1: The Musical Chat Door For BBSs.
- DRMSLT14.ZIP Online Slot Machine For Most Any BBS With ANSI Graphics.
- DRTIME_2.ZIP Update of DRTIME. Helps SysOp Regulate MAX Door Time.
- DRWY222.ZIP L Doorway v2.22: BBS/host add-on to run programs remotely.
- DS200.ZIP DoorStat v2.0 Tracks BBS Door Usage For SysOp Reference.
- DTL_20.ZIP Door Time Limiter v2.0 Limits User Time Limit In Each Door.
- DW292B.ZIP DoorWorks v2.92: Beta version with new modifications.
- EA180.ZIP Electric Avenue Door Game v1.80.
- EBBSLST2.ZIP v2.0 Online BBS list door allows searches for name, etc.
- EGRAF10.ZIP Graffiti Wall v1.00 PPE: Great Online Graffiti Wall.
- ENQUIR62.ZIP Enquirer type headlines. Logon Door v6.2.
- EZROMCFG.ZIP EZ-ROM CD-ROM Door Config Files for 35 CD-ROM disks.
- EZR_120R.ZIP EZ-ROM v1.20r: CD-ROM file download door for a DOOR.SYS BBS.
- EZSLOT23.ZIP Ezslot v2.3 An Online Gambling Door
- EZV110.ZIP EZVERIFY v1.1 full-featured callback verifier for Ezycom BBS
- FAXMGR20.ZIP Send-Fax Door For ZyCEL U1496 FaxModems works with WC v3.x.
- FDRPM100.ZIP Front Door Request Processor For Maximus BBSs
- FLGCVT10.ZIP FLAG CONVERT v1.0: Force GT messages to PRIVATE or PUBLIC.
- FLR201.ZIP FrontDoor Log File Reducer.
- FMAIL10.ZIP BBS Door displays a file to a user.
- FN42ADK1.ZIP FeatherNet BBS v4.20a: Full-featured BBS Program. 1 of 4.
- FNLS104.ZIP FNLScan v1.04: Fidonet NodeList Scan door.
- GOODU15.ZIP GoodUser v1.5: only allow "good" users into door programs!
- GRAFD220.ZIP Graf-D [PPE] v2.2: Auto-Detect ANSI/RIP.
- GRWE11.ZIP GALACTIC RIM WARS ELiTE v1.1: Parody of online space games.
- GTERM370.ZIP Graphics Terminal Program For Use With LOD BBS Game.
- HOST312D.ZIP VGA Planets Host v3.12 D.
- HRM110.ZIP Hack Manager - Add files from the 'Hack Report'.
- INFOV20.ZIP Info-Door BBS Door: Creates Database For Simple TEXT Files.
- IO1193.ZIP NOVEMBER 1993 Issue of InterNational Online Magazine.
- IRT100.ZIP Online BBS Trivia Game v1.00. Req: ANSI.
- ISRIP11.ZIP ISRIP v1.1 Implement a Graphical Door Menu.
- JOKEMSTR.ZIP Execlent Oneliner Screen Creator for BBSs. ANSI/ASCII/RIP.
- KENO18.ZIP Keno 1.8. Multinode. InterBBS capable. Most.
- KING812U.ZIP King of the Board v8.12: Trivia game for BBS Systems.
- KM300B.ZIP KMAIL v3.00b 'QWK' compatible Mail door for PCB 15.0.
- KMAIL296.ZIP QWK Comp. Mail Door For PCBoard With Net and Fossil Support.
- KSLTRV20.ZIP Klingon Trivia Door v2.0 For Many BBS Types.
- LAKOTA.ZIP LAKOTA QWK SPITFIRE Mail Door ] v1.1f: Small & Fast.
- LASSO_14.ZIP Lasso! Door v1.4: HANGMAN type game.
- LCALL14.ZIP Today's Callers For Maximus BBS.
- LEMON35.ZIP Lemonade Door v3.50: run your own stand!
- LHI10.ZIP BBS door to help users d/l and u/l files.
- LOTERY47.ZIP Online Lottery Door For BBSs.
- LOTTO.ZIP Lotto For PowerBoard BBS Online Time Door.
- LUCKY_30.ZIP LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY v3.0 [PPE]: Time/download awarded.
- MAJYK120.ZIP Magic Empire: Fantasy Door Game.
- MAJYK125.ZIP Majyk Empires v1.25: Medieval door game For RIPScrip/ANSI.
- MANIA30B.ZIP DoorMania v3.0b: RIP Compatible! 12 Popular BBS Doors In 1!
- MAX2FD_1.ZIP Converts LASTUSER.BBS To FrontDoor LASTCALL.FD For SysOps.
- MBPRO125.ZIP A Professional Online DBMS! MBPRO!
- MCHAT20G.ZIP MULTICHAT v2.0: Multi-node Chat System For RAXX based BBSs.
- MKQM4BLT.ZIP BBS Bulletin Creator For Top Ten Using The Qmail4 Door.
- MM41.ZIP Murder Motel Original Online Game From Suburban Software.
- MMALLV20.ZIP The Mega Mall v2.0: On-Line BBS Shopping Mall.
- MPLUS311.ZIP MMGR Plus v3.11 QWK mail door: RBBS/Fido. Maint. release.
- MSGRTO01.ZIP MSGRTO v1.0b: Message/Ratio program.
- MUTNT101.ZIP Mutant BBS door game. v1.01. Text and ANSI.
- MV14_300.ZIP Movie Review Door. For BBS formats to 115.2k baud.
- NETSTRIP.ZIP Strip down your NET File created by UUPCB.
- NMSGS11S.ZIP New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Single-node).
- NOLEECH.ZIP Anti-Leech Zmodem! Stop file leechs.
- NUXTN204.ZIP NU-XTERN v2.04: TradeWars external maintenance add-on.
- OCCPS10A.ZIP Online Credit Card Processing System For A BBS.
- OFFTAG10.ZIP Maximus 2/2.01 32-Bit File Tagger Door. German/English.
- OLT_35.ZIP OnLine Trivia v3.5 with faster BBS Interface.
- OPEN10.ZIP OPEN v1.0: PPE for DOOR screens.
- OSD23.ZIP Online Shopping Door v2.3 For RBBS/GAP/SF/PCB/WWIV/WC.
- OVRUND38.ZIP Over & Under 3.8. InterBBS-capable. Multinode.
- P3LOTTO.ZIP Database for PICK THREE and PICK SIX Lottery games.
- PAND110.ZIP Challenging Game For Onling BBS Use.
- PBDIR.ZIP PBDIR v1.0: Creates "Files Areas Available" & No. Of Bytes.
- PBL_1422.ZIP PBBSlist Online BBS Listing Door. Multi-Node BBSs Supported.
- PCBMM13.ZIP PCBMM v1.3: PCBoard Multi-Menu System. 100+ new functions.
- PDPM_20A.ZIP v2.00a: Creates a Multi-Page DIRx MENU for any conference.
- PIGGIES.ZIP Wildcat Utility - Generate Top Downloader List.
- PKFN1_00.ZIP Poker Fun BBS Door Game v1.00. Vid Poker like the casinos.
- PKTVIEWD.ZIP PacketView selectively stores/views network mail packets.
- PLUM3_15.ZIP Master Plumber v3.15 Door Game For PCB/DOOR.SYS Systems.
- POLL103.ZIP The Polling Place v0.3. Voting Booth Pgm for RA1.1 & 2.0.
- PROPIKU.ZIP NFL Pro-Pik II: Football pool/pick door for WC! 3.x.
- PWRDFAIL.ZIP Password Failure PCB v15.0 PPE: Alerts SysOps upon failure.
- QDOOR23.ZIP Qdoor Best Door Converter for Quick/RA.
- QOTD702.ZIP Quote O' The Day v7.02: Display random quotes to users.
- RAFHEAD.ZIP Add uploader names into RA 2.00's file database.
- RATB_100.ZIP Remote Access Time Bank v1.0.
- RIPP0988.ZIP Jack The Ripper: Adventure BBS Door Game.
- RM11TO12.ZIP ROBOMAIL v1.1 to v1.2 Upgrade Kit.
- RNAWAY13.ZIP Interactive Online Game: Supports Most BBS Types; ANSI.
- RNAWAY20.ZIP RUNAWAY: An interactive online game for BBS.
- ROBOM12A.ZIP ROBOMAIL QWK Reader v1.2. (1 of 3)
- ROBOM12B.ZIP ROBOMAIL QWK Reader v1.2. (2 of 3)
- ROBOM12C.ZIP ROBOMAIL QWK Reader v1.2. (3 of 3)
- ROBOM12U.ZIP ROBOMAIL 1.0 to 1.2 Upgrade Kit (part 1/1)
- ROBOT600.ZIP Harvey's Robot Mailer System .PKT format.
- ROMD300.ZIP Ultimate CD door for WC! And PCB v14.5 BBS's v3.00.
- ROMD301.ZIP Ultimate CD door v3.00: WC! And PCB v14.5 BBS's.
- RR14_400.ZIP Restaurant Review Door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- RUSH10B.ZIP Gold Rush v1.0ß: Gold miner online door game.
- RVPA1005.ZIP Advanced Door Supporting VGA Planets v3 & v3.1.
- SANTA93.ZIP Callers talk to Santa Claus on your BBS. Door program.
- SBASE120.ZIP Superbase BBS database door v1.2. Allows downloading.
- SCANNER2.ZIP Scanner frequency database.
- SCRAB11.ZIP Scrabble Door Message Interface for T.A.G.
- SCRAM_39.ZIP Scramble BBS Door v3.9 Scrambled words.
- SCRNDR0B.ZIP SCREENDOOR BBS callback door for SBBS/QBBS/RA. BETA version.
- SD40DEMO.ZIP Info. To Install Sales Door v4.00.
- SD41PTCH.ZIP Patch For The On-Line Sales Door v4.00 or v4.01.
- SDB130B.ZIP StarDock Beta v1.30b: Fixes Assimilation Bomb Coding Bug.
- SECDOS10.ZIP Secure Drop To DOS Program For SysOps To Set Co-Sys Limits.
- SEL_M_18.ZIP SELL'EM.EXE v1.8: BBS Advertisement Trap Door program.
- SERVUP01.ZIP ServeUp File Door v1.0: Offers File To All Users.
- SFCB12.ZIP Spitfire Callback Verifier.
- SFROMCFG.ZIP SF-ROM CD-ROM Door Configuration Files for 35 CD-ROM disks.
- SFROMUSE.ZIP Bulletin Utility For SFRom Online Door.
- SFR_120R.ZIP SF-ROM 1.20r, Spitfire CD-ROM file download door.
- SFSUB12.ZIP SFSubscribe v1.2: SpitFire BBS Subscription System.
- SFUSAGE1.ZIP Bulletin Generator Of Usage Graphs.
- SHELLV1.ZIP A Good DOS Shell Program For Most BBS Types.
- SHUFFL28.ZIP Word Shuffle v2.8: Most BBS Types supported.
- SPCX100.ZIP External Protocol For Online Sales Door v4.00.
- SPCX200.ZIP The On-Line Sales Door PCX Viewing Protocol For Qmodem.
- SPLU3_15.ZIP Super Plumber v3.15 Door Game For PCB/DOOR.SYS Files.
- STARQUES.ZIP This is a DEMO of Star Quest for TBBS BBSs. Like TradeWars!
- STOREX48.ZIP Turn Shipping Prompts/Credit Card On/Off. Supp. All Fossils.
- STRFITE1.ZIP Add-on for TW randomly puts fighters into sectors.
- STRIK932.ZIP Strike V3.2 BBS Game Door, Supports All Major BBS Packages.
- SUBEXP.ZIP PPL file reminds users that their membership is expiring.
- SUMV50B.ZIP Summation Door game v5.0B (DDS).
- SUN9309.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Vol. I No. 3 - 9/93.
- SW14_600.ZIP Software Review Door. For BBS formats up to 115.2k baud.
- SX500DOC.ZIP Silver Xpress v5.0 door documentation.
- SYSPG100.ZIP SysPage v1.00a: PCB door. Split-Screen SysOp Chat door.
- S_I_300.ZIP v3.00 Steel and Ice: BBS Online Hockey Door.
- TABS100B.ZIP TABS 1.00beta .PPE Telephone Automated Billing Service.
- TAPST10.ZIP TriAutoPost v1.0: Auto-message door for TriBBS 5.x boards.
- TBANK41.ZIP TriBank v4.1: The TriBBS TimeBank door.
- TCMDE340.ZIP The Cat's Meow Door Executive v3.40.
- TCMDE351.ZIP Creates 1 Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs.
- TDOORS13.ZIP Tridoors v1.3: Track Usage Of Up To 80 Door Programs.
- THDUTL11.ZIP Multi-Function Utility For TriBBS 5.
- THEPOOL1.ZIP THEPOOL.EXE v1.1: Football Wagering Pool for your BBS.
- TIC2S103.ZIP Tic to Spitfire v3.3 conv program.
- TIME11.ZIP BBS command add-on tells your users the time of day.
- TIMEVRIP.ZIP Time Vault v2.01 Free RIP capable Time & File.
- TIMZON11.ZIP Assign Time Slots To 1-30 Users! For Net Hubs!
- TJLOT16.ZIP TJ Lotto Door v1.60 - win the lottery!
- TJSTAT13.ZIP TJStat Door v1.3 - Activity Log analyzer
- TMAIL702.ZIP TriMail v7.02: QWK mail door for TriBBS. ANSI Support.
- TMAIL80.ZIP TriMail v8.0: QWK mail door for TriBBSs.
- TRIBNF10.ZIP TriBulletinBoardNewsFlash v1.0.
- TRISAY.ZIP TRIBBS door program displays saying for the day at log-on.
- TRIVIA19.ZIP Trivia v1.9: Most BBS types supported.
- TRLD_102.ZIP View worldwide Rime Nodes. Supports Several BBS formats.
- TSHOP208.ZIP TeleShoppe Online Store.
- TURBCHAT.ZIP Turbo Chat for WWIV.
- TWALL10.ZIP TriWall is a graffiti door for TriBBS 5.x.
- TWO_CARD.ZIP Two Card BBS Door Game: RIP Aware.
- UFDC19.ZIP Ultimate File Download Counter v1.9.
- UPGRADOR.ZIP WC3.x DOOR lets callers UPGRADE if they know code. v3.1.
- UPLOADS.ZIP Generates WC bulletin of Recent Uploads.
- USEGRAPH.ZIP Makes A Graph Bulletin Of BBS Usage.
- USERS_10.ZIP Make User list with WCPRO .DBF output.
- USERUTL5.ZIP USERUTI v1.50 RBBS User file Maintenance Utility.
- U_SET110.ZIP User Setup Door v1.10 for RA 2.00. (SDS).
- U_SET112.ZIP User Setup Door v1.12 for RA v2.0.
- VGAP300.ZIP Multi-Player Space Strategy Game Played via E-Mail.
- VIPER491.ZIP Casino Challenge Door For Most BBS Types.
- VP0806.ZIP VGA Planets BBS Door Interface v1.32.
- VPBI222.ZIP VGA Planets Door; Automate U/L & D/L Of Result & Turn Files.
- WCHK_10.ZIP WinChecker v1.0: T&J Lotto Door utility.
- WCHT218.ZIP WildChat v2.18 Multi-Line Chat DOOR for WildCat!
- WCHTPRO1.ZIP WildChat Professional v1.0: Add-on Chat Door.
- WC_CHG15.ZIP WC-CHARGE v1.05 Charge Door for Wildcat 3.xx.
- WELGBY30.ZIP Screen rotator for BBS screens.
- WHO7INFO.ZIP WhoCalled v7: PCB BBS monthly info.
- WHOC.ZIP Who Called Today? Door for Powerboard BBS.
- WILDSL30.ZIP Wild Slots BBS Door v3.0: RIP Aware.
- WIO105.ZIP WIO v1.05 Who Is Online Door for RA 2.00.
- WORDC_33.ZIP Word Challenge door game v3.3 (DDS).
- WORDC_34.ZIP Word Challenge v3.4 Door Game.
- WORDZ18.ZIP Wordzee v1.8. InterBBS capable. Multinode.
- XNSREG.ZIP XNSREG v3.1: DOOR - RBBS 17.4 OnLine Registration System.
- XTND_180.ZIP SFEXTEND v1.8: Spitfire menu extension.
- ZNEWS97C.ZIP Usenet News access for PCBoard, Wildcat!, and Waffle BBS.
- ZV0830.ZIP Zverify v1.0 Online Verification System.
- _1BIOCMP.ZIP Biorhythm & Compatibility BBS Door Game v1.
- _RR21ALL.ZIP A Complete Set Of Rose Reader Files.
- _TIMEBNK.ZIP Time And Kbyte Door For Spitfire.